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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What Faith Can Do

Sharathon begins on Tuesday of next week. God has done so much for and through this ministry, we know He is going to show up next week. Please pray about what part you might play. You can give now at

Monday, March 29, 2010

I've got to brag on our painter

Her name is Suzi and she owns S & W Painting, Inc. Her e-mail is She has literally poured herself into painting our new building. Her work is excellent and I couldn't be happier. She is a true friend of WBGL. I will do my best to let you know about all the great friends we work with to finish off the work on this amazing building. God's best to you.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Target date has been set

In my naivety to all things construction, when we bought our new building and closed in January, I thought, "We should be in and ready to go by April". I guess I should have known that something was up when those around me, "in the know" chuckled under their breath. Getting a building rebuilt and ready to be a radio station takes more time, effort, prayer, than I could have ever imagined. That being said, we are making great progress. The walls are done, the doors are going up this week, and by mid April, the carpeting should be in place. We've got some wonderful people doing amazing work to make WBGL's new home a great place. Pray for the final touches that they work well together, and thanks for your support!