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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Happy

Sometime this afternoon, I will load up our family van, (truth is my wife is probably already loading) load up the family, and head to my mother in law's for Christmas. Somewhere between 30 and 50 people will descend on this small Arkansas 3 bedroom, 2 bath home like a storm. Family is great, and since my parents left earth way too early, I cling to my mother in law, and my brothers and sisters in law, and miss my sister, Cherryl, like crazy. Love on your family this Christmas season. If they are gone, like some of mine are, get one of those golden memories and hug it tight, even if it causes tears. God's best to you. Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Final hours of Vision

It's Friday morning, 7:12. Final hours of Vision 2010. I feel such peace, almost as if I'm robbed of the energy of faithless anticipation. I guess it's because I drove over to our old building this morning and just sat in the car, listening to the radio. It was Sidewalk Prophets, and other than my breathing and the sound of my engine running, it was dead quiet. Where there had once been much activity, ministry, and unity, there was silence. New tenants had moved in, but they were nowhere to be found at 6:00 AM. This could have been very depressing, if I hadn't realized that less than 2 miles down the road, life was going on. Much fuller. More movement. Growth that was contagious. Way beyond our wildest imagination. God is good. When He moves, you move. When He directs, you follow. When He loves, you receive.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Why I do, what I do

Dear WBGL,

I have recently made some huge mistakes in my life and was feeling self hatred, fear and a general feeling of unworthiness to God because of my mistakes. One day last week when I was emotionally crumbling and thinking of either drinking or suicide my radio was tuned to WBGL. You were telling the story about Steven Curtis Chapman's daughters death and how it was an accident caused by his son. You said as Steven held his lifeless daughter in his arms, he pointed to his son saying "I love you, I love you I love you" over and over again. No matter how the son hurt the daughter, the father still loved him. That was like my Heavenly Father telling matter what you have done I love you, I love you, I love you. I needed to hear that over and over again to break through all the pain and unworthiness I was feeling. That hit me so hard and was so real to me, that I got through the day. We are our own worst enemy, I know this for sure. If it wasn't for that message that day, I don't know where I would be. I am so grateful for WBGL and the people who work for your station. Thank you for getting me through the day and teaching me about God's unconditional love and grace.

Stronger…Together. WBGL.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

This is the DAY

I began, some years ago, to try something each and every morning. Before my feet hit the floor, I say in my heart, "This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it" Sometimes the emphasis is on "THIS?" sometimes "I", and sometimes "DAY", but I've noticed my best days start with the emphasis on "LORD". I'm recommitting to making this a priority, and I want you to hold me accountable.

I have been sensing that God is bringing His Church together. It feels somewhat like the Transformers. I know, kind of silly, but when we come together, we see how much stronger we are, especially when we are all in our right places.

To the journey!!!!


Monday, June 21, 2010

The key

Today, I handed the key to our old building to a couple of construction guys. I wanted to say, "You treat this building with respect. It's been home to a ministry that touched hundreds of thousands of lives" but I wasn't sure they would have gotten it. Buildings are tools like hammers and nails. God gives them to us for a season, and then they are used by someone else. I pray that today, you let loose of the tools you are done with, and you grab hold of the new tools God has, just for you. Believe me, they will fit just right, and will do mighty things, when you put them to work.

Friday, April 9, 2010

In The Books!!

Our building campaign is officially over!! During Sharathon, we raised the extra 105,000.00 needed to get everything done, debt free. Thank you. God has been so good through this whole season and we are committed to following His lead, every step of the way.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What Faith Can Do

Sharathon begins on Tuesday of next week. God has done so much for and through this ministry, we know He is going to show up next week. Please pray about what part you might play. You can give now at

Monday, March 29, 2010

I've got to brag on our painter

Her name is Suzi and she owns S & W Painting, Inc. Her e-mail is She has literally poured herself into painting our new building. Her work is excellent and I couldn't be happier. She is a true friend of WBGL. I will do my best to let you know about all the great friends we work with to finish off the work on this amazing building. God's best to you.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Target date has been set

In my naivety to all things construction, when we bought our new building and closed in January, I thought, "We should be in and ready to go by April". I guess I should have known that something was up when those around me, "in the know" chuckled under their breath. Getting a building rebuilt and ready to be a radio station takes more time, effort, prayer, than I could have ever imagined. That being said, we are making great progress. The walls are done, the doors are going up this week, and by mid April, the carpeting should be in place. We've got some wonderful people doing amazing work to make WBGL's new home a great place. Pray for the final touches that they work well together, and thanks for your support!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Now comes the work


Today, we are working on scheduling a day to tear out the carpeting to get ready for new construction, painting, and new floor covering. So very exciting. I heard of a group that wrote their favorite bible verses on the floor before the new carpeting and floor covering went down, and we plan on doing that. If you have a favorite verse, please let me know. I would be honored to add it to our list. You have been foundational in our getting this new building, so we would love for you to be part of the actual foundation.

God's best to you!


Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Today, I met with our architect and our builder to discuss where walls currently were and where they soon would be. My goal was to get them on the same page, and let them discuss a plan of action. I knew I had succeeded when I no longer understood what they were saying. Pray for the process, if you would. We are very excited and moving forward with great anticipation. Friday of this week, we move all of the things out of storage unit into our new warehouse. This is going to save us some money in rent.

Monday, January 18, 2010

It's becoming "realer" every day

Today, this sign went up in front of our new building. How cool is that?!?!

Friday, January 15, 2010

I am holding the key to the new building!


Here it is. The new key. The new building. The end of a road and the beginning of many. As I walked around our future home with the former owner, I could see that this was a little hard for him. He had poured his life into this building, and although their team is excited about their new ventures, the building holds many near and dear memories. I can't wait to show you the new place, and I'm committed to enjoying the journey of getting there. God's best to you, and thanks for your involvement.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Building keys!!!!

Hi, this is station manager, Jeff Scott. This is a ginormous week here at WBGL. On Friday, we get the keys to our new building. Your support has allowed us to buy the building without going into debt, and if all who have pledged support of the building over the past year fulfill your pledges, we will be able to do the necessary improvements, and get moved in by April of this year. Very exciting times. The new building will be a great tool to help us accomplish our goal of doing things that matter. Thanks for your support. We are family friendly, WBGL